Source code for astrotool.coordinates

#!/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2

#  Copyright (c) 2019-2023  Marc van der Sluys -
#  This file is part of the AstroTool Python package,
#  see:
#  AstroTool has been developed by Marc van der Sluys of the Department of Physics at Utrecht
#  University in the Netherlands, and the Netherlands Institute for Nuclear and High-Energy Physics (Nikhef)
#  in Amsterdam.
#  This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
#  European Union Public Licence 1.2 (EUPL 1.2).
#  This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
#  without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
#  See the EU Public Licence for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the European Union Public Licence along with this code.
#  If not, see <>.

"""Coordinate transformations and related functions for AstroTool."""

# Allow relative imports from __main__() when running this file (PEP 366):
if __name__ == '__main__' and __package__ is None:
    __package__ = 'astrotool'

# Modules:
import numpy as _np
from astroconst import pi2 as _pi2, d2r as _d2r, r2d as _r2d, as2r as _as2r
from astroconst import  r_earth as _r_earth, au as _au
from .date_time import tjc_from_jd

[docs] def obliquity(jd): """Compute the obliquity of the ecliptic in radians from the JD(E). Args: jd (float): Julian day (days). Returns: float: eps: Obliquity of the ecliptic (rad). References: - Seidelman 1992, Eq. 3.222-1. """ tJC = tjc_from_jd(jd) # Time in Julian centuries since J2000.0 eps = 0.409092804 - 2.269655e-4*tJC - 2.86e-9*tJC**2 + 8.78967e-9*tJC**3 # Obliquity of the ecliptic (rad) return eps
[docs] def eq2ecl(ra,dec, eps): """Convert equatorial coordinates to ecliptical. Args: ra (float): Right ascension (rad). dec (float): Declination (rad). eps (float): Obliquity of the ecliptic (rad). Returns: tuple (float,float): tuple containing (lon, lat): - lon (float): Ecliptical longitude (rad). - lat (float): Ecliptical latitude (rad). """ lon = _np.arctan2( _np.sin(ra) * _np.cos(eps) + _np.tan(dec) * _np.sin(eps), _np.cos(ra) ) % _pi2 lat = _np.arcsin( _np.sin(dec) * _np.cos(eps) - _np.cos(dec) * _np.sin(eps) * _np.sin(ra) ) return lon,lat
[docs] def ecl2eq(lon,lat, eps): """Convert (geocentric) spherical ecliptical coordinates to spherical equatorial coordinates. Args: lon (float): Ecliptical longitude (rad). lat (float): Ecliptical latitude (rad). eps (float): Obliquity of the ecliptic (rad). Returns: tuple (float,float): tuple containing (ra, dec): - ra (float): Right ascension (rad). - dec (float): Declination (rad). References: - `Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac 3rd Ed, Eq.14.43 <>`_ """ ra = _np.arctan2( _np.sin(lon) * _np.cos(eps) - _np.tan(lat) * _np.sin(eps), _np.cos(lon) ) % _pi2 dec = _np.arcsin( _np.sin(lat) * _np.cos(eps) + _np.cos(lat) * _np.sin(eps) * _np.sin(lon) ) return ra,dec
[docs] def par2horiz(ha,dec, phi): """Convert parallactic coordinates to horizontal. Args: ha (float): Hour angle (rad). dec (float): Declination (rad). phi (float): Geographical latitude (rad, N>0). Returns: tuple (float,float): tuple containing (az, alt): - az (float): Azimuth (rad, S=0). - alt (float): Altitude (rad). """ az = _np.arctan2( _np.sin(ha), _np.cos(ha) * _np.sin(phi) - _np.tan(dec) * _np.cos(phi) ) % _pi2 alt = _np.arcsin( _np.sin(dec) * _np.sin(phi) + _np.cos(ha) * _np.cos(dec) * _np.cos(phi) ) return az,alt
[docs] def proper_motion(jd_start,jd_target, ra,dec, pma,pmd): """Compute the proper motion from jd_start to jd_target for the given positions and proper motions. Args: jd_start (float): Julian day of the initial epoch (days). jd_target (float): Julian day of the target epoch (days). ra (float): Right ascension (numpy array, rad). dec (float): Declination (numpy array, rad). pma (float): Proper motion in right ascension (numpy array, rad/yr). pmd (float): Proper motion in declination (numpy array, rad/yr). Returns: tuple (float,float): tuple containing (ra_target, dec_target): - ra_target (float): Right ascension for the target epoch (rad). - dec_target (float): Declination for the target epoch (rad). """ dtYr = (jd_target - jd_start)/365.25 ra_target = ra + pma*dtYr / _np.cos(dec) dec_target = dec + pmd*dtYr return ra_target,dec_target
[docs] def precess_from_2000(jd, ra,dec): """Compute precession in equatorial coordinates from J2000 to that of the specified JD. J2000 is the equinox of many catalogues, including the Hipparcos one. Args: jd (float): Julian day (days). ra (float): Right ascension (rad). dec (float): Declination (rad). Returns: tuple (float,float): tuple containing (ra_new, dec_new): - ra_new (float): Right ascension for the target equinox (rad). - dec_new (float): Declination for the target equinox (rad). """ tJC = tjc_from_jd(jd) # Time in Julian centuries since J2000.0 tJC2 = tJC**2 tJC3 = tJC*tJC2 zeta = (2306.2181*tJC + 0.30188*tJC2 + 0.017998*tJC3)*_as2r # Convert the result from arcseconds to radians z = (2306.2181*tJC + 1.09468*tJC2 + 0.018203*tJC3)*_as2r theta = (2004.3109*tJC - 0.42665*tJC2 - 0.041833*tJC3)*_as2r ra_new = (_np.arctan2( _np.sin(ra + zeta) * _np.cos(dec), _np.cos(ra + zeta) * _np.cos(theta) * _np.cos(dec) - _np.sin(theta) * _np.sin(dec) ) + z) % _pi2 dec_new = _np.arcsin( _np.cos(ra + zeta) * _np.sin(theta) * _np.cos(dec) + _np.cos(theta) * _np.sin(dec) ) return ra_new,dec_new
[docs] def geoc2topoc_ecl(lon_gc,lat_gc, dist_gc,rad_gc, eps,lst, lat_obs,ele_obs=0, debug=False): """Convert spherical ecliptical coordinates from the geocentric to the topocentric system. Args: lon_gc (float): Geocentric ecliptic longitude (rad). lat_gc (float): Geocentric ecliptic latitude (rad). dist_gc (float): Geocentric distance (AU). rad_gc (float): Geocentric semi-diameter (rad). eps (float): Obliquity of the ecliptic (rad). lst (float): Local sidereal time (rad). lat_obs (float): Geographical latitude of the observer (rad). ele_obs (float): Altitude/elevation of the observer above sea level (metres, optional, default value = 0). debug (bool): Print debug output (True/False, optional, default value = True). Returns: tuple (float,float,float): tuple containing (lon_tc, lat_tc, rad_tc): - lon_tc (float): Topocentric ecliptic longitude (rad). - lat_tc (float): Topocentric ecliptic latitude (rad). - rad_tc (float): Topocentric semi-diameter (rad). """ # Meeus, Ch.11, p.82: Req = _r_earth # Equatorial radius of the Earth in metres (same units as the elevation) # ( RpolEq = 0.996647189335 # Rpol/Req = 1-f: flattening of the Earth - WGS84 ellipsoid u = _np.arctan(RpolEq*_np.tan(lat_obs)) RsinPhi = RpolEq*_np.sin(u) + ele_obs/Req * _np.sin(lat_obs) RcosPhi = _np.cos(u) + ele_obs/Req * _np.cos(lat_obs) sinHp = _np.sin(_r_earth/_au)/(dist_gc/_au) # Sine of the horizontal parallax, Meeus, Eq. 40.1 # Meeus, Ch.40, p.282: N = _np.cos(lon_gc)*_np.cos(lat_gc) - RcosPhi*sinHp*_np.cos(lst) lon_tc = _np.arctan2( _np.sin(lon_gc)*_np.cos(lat_gc) - sinHp*(RsinPhi*_np.sin(eps) + RcosPhi*_np.cos(eps)*_np.sin(lst)), N ) % _pi2 # Topocentric longitude lat_tc = _np.arctan((_np.cos(lon_tc)*(_np.sin(lat_gc) - sinHp*(RsinPhi*_np.cos(eps) - RcosPhi*_np.sin(eps)*_np.sin(lst))))/N) # Topocentric latitude rad_tc = _np.arcsin(_np.cos(lon_tc)*_np.cos(lat_tc)*_np.sin(rad_gc)/N) # Topocentric semi-diameter # print(dist_gc, dist_gc*rad_gc/rad_tc) if debug: print() print('geoc2topoc_ecl():') print('\nInput:') print('lon_gc: ', lon_gc) print('lat_gc: ', lat_gc) print('dist_gc: ', dist_gc) print('rad_gc: ', rad_gc) print('eps: ', eps) print('lst: ', lst) print('lat_obs: ', lat_obs) print('ele_obs: ', ele_obs) print('\nOutput:') print('%10s %25s %25s' % ('', 'rad/km/...','deg')) print() print('%10s %25.15f' % ('Req: ', Req) ) print('%10s %25.15f' % ('RpolEq: ', RpolEq) ) print() print('%10s %25.15f %25.15f' % ('u: ', u, u*_r2d) ) print('%10s %25.15f' % ('RsinPhi: ', RsinPhi) ) print('%10s %25.15f' % ('RcosPhi: ', RcosPhi) ) print() print('%10s %25.15f' % ('sinHp: ', sinHp) ) print('%10s %25.15f %25.15f' % ('N: ', N, N*_r2d) ) print() print('%10s %25.15f %25.15f' % ('lon_tc: ', lon_tc, lon_tc*_r2d) ) print('%10s %25.15f %25.15f' % ('lat_tc: ', lat_tc, lat_tc*_r2d) ) print('%10s %25.15f %25.15f' % ('rad_tc: ', rad_tc, rad_tc*_r2d) ) print() return lon_tc,lat_tc,rad_tc
# Test code: if __name__ == '__main__': print(geoc2topoc_ecl(0.0,0.0, _au,_au/1000, 23*_d2r,0.0, 52*_d2r,0.0, debug=True)) # CHECK: _au/1000 doesn't make sense - need apparent diameter!