Source code for astrotool.date_time

#!/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2

#  Copyright (c) 2019-2023  Marc van der Sluys -
#  This file is part of the AstroTool Python package,
#  see:
#  AstroTool has been developed by Marc van der Sluys of the Department of Physics at Utrecht
#  University in the Netherlands, and the Netherlands Institute for Nuclear and High-Energy Physics (Nikhef)
#  in Amsterdam.
#  This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
#  European Union Public Licence 1.2 (EUPL 1.2).
#  This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
#  without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
#  See the EU Public Licence for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the European Union Public Licence along with this code.
#  If not, see <>.

"""Date and time functions for AstroTool."""

# Allow relative imports from __main__() when running this file (PEP 366):
if __name__ == '__main__' and __package__ is None:
    __package__ = 'astrotool'

# Modules:
import numpy as _np

[docs] def julian_day(year,month,day, jd_start_greg=2299160.5): """Obsolescent function. Use jd_from_date() instead.""" _warn_obsolescent('julian_day', 'jd_from_date', rename=True) return jd_from_date(year,month,day, jd_start_greg)
[docs] def jd_from_date(year,month,day, jd_start_greg=2299160.5): """Compute the Julian Day from given year, month and day. Args: year (int): Year CE. Note that year=0 = 1 BCE, year=-1 = 2 BCE, etc. month (int): Month number of year (1-12). day (float): Day of month with fraction (1.0-31.999...). jd_start_greg (float): JD of start of Gregorian calendar (optional; default=2299160.5 = 1582-10-15.0). Returns: float: jd: Julian day (days). Note: - The JD will be in the same timezone as the date and time (use UTC for the offical JD). - Decimals can be used in the day to take into account the time of day other than midnight, e.g. 1.5 for noon on the first day of the month. """ # Copy and typecast input to numpy.ndarrays: year = _np.asarray(_np.copy(year)) month = _np.asarray(_np.copy(month)) day = _np.asarray(_np.copy(day)) # Jan/Feb are month 13/14 of the previous year: year[month <= 2] -= 1 month[month <= 2] += 12 # JD for Julian calendar (ensure it always is an array): jd = _np.asarray(_np.floor(365.25*(year+4716)) + _np.floor(30.6001*(month+1)) + day - 1524.5) # Apply correction for Gregorian calendar: sel = jd >= jd_start_greg # Select cases for cent_1 = _np.floor(year[sel]/100.0) # Count: (century - 1) jd[sel] += 2 - cent_1 + _np.floor(cent_1/4.0) # Offset Julian-Gregorian return _np.squeeze(jd) # Turn array back into scalar if needed
[docs] def date_time2jd(year,month,day, hour,minute,second): """Obsolescent function. Use jd_from_date_time() instead.""" _warn_obsolescent('date_time2jd', 'jd_from_date_time', rename=True, extra=True) return jd_from_date_time(year,month,day, hour,minute,second)
[docs] def jd_from_date_time(year,month,day, hour,minute,second, jd_start_greg=2299160.5): """Compute the Julian Day from given year, month, day, hour, minute and second. Args: year (int): Year CE. Note that year=0 = 1 BCE, year=-1 = 2 BCE, etc. month (int): Month number of year (1-12). day (int): Day of month (1-31). hour (int): Hour of day (0-23). minute (int): Minute of hour (0-59). second (float): Second of minute (0.0-59.999...). jd_start_greg (float): JD of start of Gregorian calendar (optional; default=2299160.5 = 1582-10-15.0). Returns: float: jd: Julian day (days). Note: - The JD will be in the same timezone as the date and time (use UTC for the offical JD). - Decimals can be used in the second. """ day_f = day + hour/24 + minute/1440 + second/86400 # Day with time as fraction return jd_from_date(year,month,day_f, jd_start_greg)
[docs] def jd_from_datetime(dtm, jd_start_greg=2299160.5): """Compute the Julian Day from given year, month, day, hour, minute and second. Args: dtm (dt.datetime): Datetime object. jd_start_greg (float): JD of start of Gregorian calendar (optional; default=2299160.5 = 1582-10-15.0). Returns: float: jd: Julian day (days). Note: - The JD will be in the same timezone as the date and time (use UTC for the offical JD). """ day_f = + dtm.hour/24 + dtm.minute/1440 + dtm.second/86400 # Day with time as fraction return jd_from_date(dtm.year,dtm.month,day_f, jd_start_greg)
[docs] def jd2ymd(jd, jd_start_greg=2299160.5): """Obsolescent function. Use date_from_jd() instead.""" _warn_obsolescent('jd2ymd', 'date_from_jd', rename=True) return date_from_jd(jd, jd_start_greg)
[docs] def date_from_jd(jd, jd_start_greg=2299160.5): """Compute the calendar date from a given Julian Day. Args: jd (float): Julian day (days). jd_start_greg (float): JD of start of Gregorian calendar (optional; default=2299160.5 = 1582-10-15.0). Returns: tuple (int,int,float): Tuple containing (year, month, day): - year (int): Year CE. Note that year=0 indicates 1 BCE. - month (int): Month number of year (1-12). - day (float): Day of month with fraction (1.0-31.999...). Note: - Date and time will be in the same timezone as the JD (UT for the offical JD). - Decimals can be returned in the day to indicate the time of day, e.g. 1.0 for midnight and 1.5 for noon on the first day of the month. """ jd = _np.asarray(_np.copy(jd)) # Copy and typecast to numpy.ndarray if jd.ndim == 0: jd = jd[None] # Create an array from a scalar if needed jd05 = _np.floor(jd+0.5) # Julian day + 0.5 -> .0 at midnight (asarray) f_day = jd + 0.5 - jd05 # Time as fraction of the day (=time/24) # If jd05 >= jd_start_greg, use the Gregorian calendar: sel = jd05 >= jd_start_greg # Select the Gregorian cases cent_5 = _np.zeros_like(jd05) # Filled with 0's cent_5[sel] = _np.floor((jd05[sel]-1867216.25)/36524.25) # Count Greg.cent. - 5 jd05[sel] += 1 + cent_5[sel] - _np.floor(cent_5[sel]/4.) # Offset Jul.-Greg. jd05 += 1524 # Set JD=0 to -4712-01-01 yr0 = _np.floor((jd05 - 122.1)/365.25) # Year since -4716 CE day0 = _np.floor(365.25*yr0) # Julian days since -4716 CE mnt0 = _np.floor((jd05-day0)/30.6001) # Month number + 1 (4-15 = Mar-Feb) day = jd05 - day0 - _np.floor(30.6001*mnt0) + f_day # Day of mnt + frac. ( month = _np.zeros_like(mnt0).astype(int) month[mnt0 < 14] = (mnt0[mnt0 < 14] - 1) # Month Mar-Dec: 4-13 -> 3-12 month[mnt0 >= 14] = (mnt0[mnt0 >= 14] - 13) # Month Jan,Dec: 14,15 -> 1,2 year = _np.zeros_like(month).astype(int) year[month > 2] = (yr0[month > 2] - 4716) # Year since -4716 CE -> CE year[month <= 2] = (yr0[month <= 2] - 4715) return _np.squeeze(year),_np.squeeze(month),_np.squeeze(day) # Arrays -> "scalars"
[docs] def jd2date_time(jd): """Obsolescent function. Use date_time_from_jd() instead.""" _warn_obsolescent('jd2date_time', 'date_time_from_jd', rename=True, extra=True) return date_time_from_jd(jd)
[docs] def date_time_from_jd(jd, jd_start_greg=2299160.5): """Compute the calendar date and time from a given Julian Day. Args: jd (float): Julian day (days). jd_start_greg (float): JD of start of Gregorian calendar (optional; default=2299160.5 = 1582-10-15.0). Returns: tuple (int,int,int, int,int,float): Tuple containing (year, month, day, hour, minute, second): - year (int): Year CE. Note that year=0 indicates 1 BCE. - month (int): Month number of year (1-12). - day (int): Day of month (1-31). - hour (int): Hour of day (0-23). - minute (int): Minute of hour (0-59). - second (float): Second of minute (0.0-59.999...) Note: - Date and time will be in the same timezone as the JD, hence UTC for the offical JD. """ year,month,day_f = date_from_jd(jd, jd_start_greg) # Day with fraction day = _np.floor(day_f).astype(int) # Integer day time = (day_f-day)*24 # Time of day in hours hour = _np.floor(time).astype(int) minute = _np.floor((time-hour)*60).astype(int) second = (time-hour-minute/60)*3600 return year,month,day, hour,minute,second
[docs] def jd2year(jd): """Obsolescent function. Use year_from_jd() instead.""" _warn_obsolescent('jd2year', 'year_from_jd', rename=True) return year_from_jd(jd)
[docs] def year_from_jd(jd): """Compute a year with fraction from a given Julian Day. Args: jd (float): Julian day (days). Returns: float: Year CE, with decimals. Note that year=0 indicates 1 BCE, year=-1 2 BCE, etc. """ year,month,day = date_from_jd(jd) # Compute current year ones = _np.ones_like(year) # Fill "array" with shape of year w. 1s jd0 = jd_from_date(year, ones, ones) # Jan 1 of current year jd1 = jd_from_date(year+1, ones, ones) # Jan 1 of next year dy = (jd-jd0) / (jd1-jd0) # Lin. interpol. for fractional year return year + dy
[docs] def fix_date_time(year,month,day, hour,minute,second): """Fix a given set of date and time variables (year, month, day, hour, minute and second) to make them consistent. For example, month=13 will be corrected to month=1 in the next year, day=32 to a date in the next month, hour=24 to hour=0 on the next day, et cetera. This is useful, because some sources list hours between 1 and 24, rather than 0-23, on which Python's datetime crashes. In rare cases of roundoff of 59.9 or a leap second, second=60. More generally, this makes it straightforward to add or subtract dates and times and to take into account timezones, DST, et cetera. Args: year (int): Year CE. Note that year=0 = 1 BCE. month (int): Month number of year. day (int): Day of month with fraction. hour (int): Hour of time of day. minute (int): Minute of hour of time. second (float): Second of minute of time. Returns: tuple (int,int,int, int,int,float): tuple containing (year CE, month, day, hour, minute, second): - year (int): Year CE. Note that year=0 = 1 BCE. - month (int): Month number of year (UT; 1-12). - day (int): Day of month with fraction (UT; 1-31). - hour (int): Hour of time of day (0-23). - minute (int): Minute of hour of time (0-59). - second (float): Second of minute of time (0.000-59.999). Note: - uses jd_from_date_time() and date_time_from_jd(). """ jd = jd_from_date_time(year,month,day, hour,minute,second) year,month,day, hour,minute,second = date_time_from_jd(jd) return year,month,day, hour,minute,second
[docs] def doy_from_ymd(year, month, day): """Compute the day of year for a given year, month and day. Args: year (int): Year of date. month (int): Month of date. day (int): Day of date. Returns: (int): Day of year. """ if _np.ndim(year) > 0: # Array-like: # Ensure we have numpy.ndarrays: year = _np.asarray(year) month = _np.asarray(month) day = _np.asarray(day) ones = _np.ones(year.shape) # Array for first month and first day today = jd_from_date_time(year, month, _np.floor(day).astype(int), 0, 0, 0.0) JanFirst = jd_from_date_time(year, ones, ones, 0, 0, 0.0) doy = _np.floor(today - JanFirst + 1).astype(int) else: today = jd_from_date_time(year, month, int(_np.floor(day)), 0, 0, 0.0) JanFirst = jd_from_date_time(year, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0.0) doy = int(_np.floor(today - JanFirst + 1)) return doy
[docs] def doy_from_datetime(date_time): """Compute the day of year for a given datetime. Args: date_time (datetime): Date and time. Returns: (int): Day of year. """ if _np.ndim(date_time) > 0: # Array-like: date_time = _np.asarray(date_time).astype('datetime64[ns]') # Ensure we have an np.ndarray of type datetime64[ns] ymd = ymdhms_us_from_datetime64(date_time) doy = doy_from_ymd(ymd[:,0], ymd[:,1], ymd[:,2]) else: # Scalar: doy = doy_from_ymd(date_time.year, date_time.month, return doy
[docs] def jd2tjc(jd): """Obsolescent function. Use tjc_from_jd() instead.""" _warn_obsolescent('jd2tjc', 'tjc_from_jd', rename=True) return tjc_from_jd(jd)
[docs] def tjc_from_jd(jd): """Compute the time in Julian centuries since 2000.0. Args: jd (float): Julian day (days). Returns: float: Time in Julian centuries since 2000.0 (UT). """ return (jd - 2451545.0)/36525
[docs] def jd2tjm(jd): """Obsolescent function. Use tjm_from_jd() instead.""" _warn_obsolescent('jd2tjm', 'tjm_from_jd', rename=True) return tjm_from_jd(jd)
[docs] def tjm_from_jd(jd): """Compute the time in Julian millennia since 2000.0. Args: jd (float): Julian day (days). Returns: float: Time in Julian millennia since 2000.0 (UT). """ return (jd - 2451545.0)/365250
[docs] def deltat_1820(jd): """Obsolescent function. Use deltat_from_jd_appr() instead.""" _warn_obsolescent('deltat_1820', 'deltat_from_jd_appr', rename=True) return deltat_from_jd_appr(jd)
[docs] def deltat_from_jd_appr(jd): """Return a rough approximation for the value of Delta T. A lenghtening of the day of 1.8 ms/century is assumed, as well as and that the minimum of the parabola is DeltaT=12s in 1820. Args: jd (float): Julian day (days). Returns: float: Delta T (s). References: - `Extrapolation of Delta T <>`_. """ from astroconst import jd1820 as _jd1820 # return 12 + 0.5 * 1.8e-3/86400/(36525*86400) * ((jd-jd1820)*86400)**2 # Comprehensible notation return 12 + 0.5 * 1.8e-3 / 36525 * (jd-_jd1820)**2 # Simplified notation
[docs] def deltat(jd): """Obsolescent function. Use deltat_from_jd_ipol() instead.""" _warn_obsolescent('deltat', 'deltat_from_jd_ipol', rename=True) return deltat_from_jd_ipol(jd)
[docs] def deltat_from_jd_ipol(jd): """Return the value of DeltaT through interpolation or 'extrapolation'. For the date range -700 - now, the value for Delta T is obtained by interpolation of known historical values. Outside this range, a lenghtening of the day of 1.8 ms/century is assumed, as well as that the minimum of the parabola is DeltaT=12s in 1820. Args: jd (float): Julian day (days). Returns: float: Delta T (s). References: - `International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service <>`_ of the U.S. Naval Observatory. - `Robert van Gent's website on Delta T <>`_. - `Extrapolation of Delta T <>`_. """ # Known data: DTyears = [-700,-600,-500,-400,-300,-200,-100,0,100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000,1100,1200,1300,1400,1500,1600,1620,1621,1622,1623,1624,1625,1626,1627,1628,1629,1630,1631,1632,1633,1634,1635,1636,1637,1638,1639,1640,1641,1642,1643,1644,1645,1646,1647,1648,1649,1650,1651,1652,1653,1654,1655,1656,1657,1658,1659,1660,1661,1662,1663,1664,1665,1666,1667,1668,1669,1670,1671,1672,1673,1674,1675,1676,1677,1678,1679,1680,1681,1682,1683,1684,1685,1686,1687,1688,1689,1690,1691,1692,1693,1694,1695,1696,1697,1698,1699,1700,1701,1702,1703,1704,1705,1706,1707,1708,1709,1710,1711,1712,1713,1714,1715,1716,1717,1718,1719,1720,1721,1722,1723,1724,1725,1726,1727,1728,1729,1730,1731,1732,1733,1734,1735,1736,1737,1738,1739,1740,1741,1742,1743,1744,1745,1746,1747,1748,1749,1750,1751,1752,1753,1754,1755,1756,1757,1758,1759,1760,1761,1762,1763,1764,1765,1766,1767,1768,1769,1770,1771,1772,1773,1774,1775,1776,1777,1778,1779,1780,1781,1782,1783,1784,1785,1786,1787,1788,1789,1790,1791,1792,1793,1794,1795,1796,1797,1798,1799,1800,1801,1802,1803,1804,1805,1806,1807,1808,1809,1810,1811,1812,1813,1814,1815,1816,1817,1818,1819,1820,1821,1822,1823,1824,1825,1826,1827,1828,1829,1830,1831,1832,1833,1834,1835,1836,1837,1838,1839,1840,1841,1842,1843,1844,1845,1846,1847,1848,1849,1850,1851,1852,1853,1854,1855,1856,1857,1858,1859,1860,1861,1862,1863,1864,1865,1866,1867,1868,1869,1870,1871,1872,1873,1874,1875,1876,1877,1878,1879,1880,1881,1882,1883,1884,1885,1886,1887,1888,1889,1890,1891,1892,1893,1894,1895,1896,1897,1898,1899,1900,1901,1902,1903,1904,1905,1906,1907,1908,1909,1910,1911,1912,1913,1914,1915,1916,1917,1918,1919,1920,1921,1922,1923,1924,1925,1926,1927,1928,1929,1930,1931,1932,1933,1934,1935,1936,1937,1938,1939,1940,1941,1942,1943,1944,1945,1946,1947,1948,1949,1950,1951,1952,1953,1954,1955,1956,1957,1958,1959,1960,1961,1962,1963,1964,1965,1966,1967,1968,1969,1970,1971,1972,1973,1974,1975,1976,1977,1978,1979,1980,1981,1982,1983,1984,1985,1986,1987,1988,1989,1990,1991,1992,1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019,2020,2021] DTvalues = [20400,18800,17190,15530,14080,12790,11640,10580,9600,8640,7680,6700,5710,4740,3810,2960,2200,1570,1090,740,490,320,200,120,124,119,115,110,106,102,98,95,91,88,85,82,79,77,74,72,70,67,65,63,62,60,58,57,55,54,53,51,50,49,48,47,46,45,44,43,42,41,40,38,37,36,35,34,33,32,31,30,28,27,26,25,24,23,22,21,20,19,18,17,16,15,14,14,13,12,12,11,11,10,10,10,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,16,16,16,16,15,15,14,14,13.7,13.4,13.1,12.9,12.7,12.6,12.5,12.5,12.5,12.5,12.5,12.5,12.5,12.5,12.5,12.5,12.5,12.4,12.3,12.2,12.0,11.7,11.4,11.1,10.6,10.2,9.6,9.1,8.6,8.0,7.5,7.0,6.6,6.3,6.0,5.8,5.7,5.6,5.6,5.6,5.7,5.8,5.9,6.1,6.2,6.3,6.5,6.6,6.8,6.9,7.1,7.2,7.3,7.4,7.5,7.6,7.7,7.7,7.8,7.8,7.88,7.82,7.54,6.97,6.40,6.02,5.41,4.10,2.92,1.82,1.61,0.10,-1.02,-1.28,-2.69,-3.24,-3.64,-4.54,-4.71,-5.11,-5.40,-5.42,-5.20,-5.46,-5.46,-5.79,-5.63,-5.64,-5.80,-5.66,-5.87,-6.01,-6.19,-6.64,-6.44,-6.47,-6.09,-5.76,-4.66,-3.74,-2.72,-1.54,-0.02,1.24,2.64,3.86,5.37,6.14,7.75,9.13,10.46,11.53,13.36,14.65,16.01,17.20,18.24,19.06,20.25,20.95,21.16,22.25,22.41,23.03,23.49,23.62,23.68,24.49,24.34,24.08,24.02,24.00,23.87,23.95,23.86,23.93,23.73,23.92,23.96,24.02,24.33,24.83,25.30,25.70,26.24,26.77,27.28,27.78,28.25,28.71,29.15,29.57,29.97,30.36,30.72,31.07,31.35,31.68,32.18,32.68,33.15,33.59,34.00,34.47,35.03,35.73,36.54,37.43,38.29,39.20,40.18,41.17,42.23,43.37,44.4841,45.4761,46.4567,47.5214,48.5344,49.5861,50.5387,51.3808,52.1668,52.9565,53.7882,54.3427,54.8712,55.3222,55.8197,56.3000,56.8553,57.5653,58.3092,59.1218,59.9845,60.7853,61.6287,62.2950,62.9659,63.4673,63.8285,64.0908,64.2998,64.4734,64.5736,64.6876,64.8452,65.1464,65.4574,65.7768,66.0699,66.3246,66.6030,66.9069,67.2810,67.6439,68.1024,68.5927,68.9677,69.2202,69.87,70.4] jd = _np.asarray(_np.copy(jd)) # Copy and typecast to numpy.ndarray jd0 = _np.empty_like(jd) # Empty array with the shape of jd deltat = _np.empty_like(jd) # Empty array with the shape of jd year = year_from_jd(jd) # Year with fraction for jd of interest # Cases before the start of our list: sel = year < DTyears[0] jd0[sel] = jd_from_date(DTyears[0], 1, 1) deltat[sel] = deltat_from_jd_appr(jd[sel]) - deltat_from_jd_appr(jd0[sel]) + DTvalues[0] # Cases after the end of our list: sel = year > DTyears[-1] jd0[sel] = jd_from_date(DTyears[-1], 1, 1) deltat[sel] = deltat_from_jd_appr(jd[sel]) - deltat_from_jd_appr(jd0[sel]) + DTvalues[-1] # Cases in our list: sel = _np.logical_and(year >= DTyears[0], year <= DTyears[-1]) # After start, before end deltat[sel] = _np.interp(year[sel], DTyears, DTvalues) return _np.squeeze(deltat)
[docs] def gmst(jd): """Obsolescent function. Use gmst_from_jd() instead.""" _warn_obsolescent('gmst', 'gmst_from_jd', rename=True, extra=True) return gmst_from_jd(jd)
[docs] def gmst_from_jd(jd, deltat=None): """Calculate Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time for any instant, in radians. Args: jd (float): Julian day (days). deltat (float): Delta T (s). Returns: float: Greenwich mean sidereal time (rad). References: - Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac, 3rd ed, Eq. 6.66 (2012). """ from astroconst import pi2 as _pi2, jd2000 as _jd2000 tjd = jd - _jd2000 # Julian Days after 2000.0 UT coefs = [4.89496121042905, 6.30038809894828323, 5.05711849e-15, -4.378e-28, -8.1601415e-29, -2.7445e-36] # Coefficients for the polynomial if deltat is None: deltat = 63.8285 # Use DeltaT from J2000 if unavailable gmst = 7.0855723730e-12*deltat # Correction for Delta T for pow_i,coef_i in enumerate(coefs): # Add the polynomial gmst += coef_i*tjd**pow_i return gmst % _pi2
[docs] def ymdhms_us_from_datetime64(dt64): """Convert (array of) datetime64 to a calendar (array of) year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds, microsecond with these quantites indexed on the last axis. Args: dt64 (datetime64): (numpy array of) datetime(s) (of arbitrary shape). Returns: uint32 array: (..., 7) calendar array with last axis representing year, month, day, hour, minute, second, microsecond. Note: - Nicked from """ # Allocate output: out = _np.empty(dt64.shape + (7,), dtype='u4') # Decompose calendar floors: Y, M, D, h, m, s = [dt64.astype(f'M8[{x}]') for x in 'YMDhms'] out[..., 0] = Y + 1970 # Gregorian Year out[..., 1] = (M - Y) + 1 # month out[..., 2] = (D - M) + 1 # day out[..., 3] = (dt64 - D).astype('m8[h]') # hour out[..., 4] = (dt64 - h).astype('m8[m]') # minute out[..., 5] = (dt64 - m).astype('m8[s]') # second out[..., 6] = (dt64 - s).astype('m8[us]') # microsecond return out
[docs] def weekday_en_abbr_from_datetime(datetime): """Return an English abbreviation of the weekday for a given datetime. Args: datetime (datetime): Returns: (str): String with the three-character English abbreviation of the weekday (Mon-Sun). """ weekdays = ['Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat','Sun'] return weekdays[datetime.weekday()]
[docs] def gps_time_from_jd(jd): """Compute GPS time from the Julian day. Args: jd (float): Julian day (days). Returns: float: GPS time (seconds since 1980-01-06, without leap seconds!). Note: number of leap seconds on 1980-01-06 is 19. """ from astroconst import day_sol gps_time = (jd - jd_from_date(1980, 1, 6))*day_sol + leap_seconds_from_jd(jd) - 19 return gps_time
[docs] def jd_from_gps_time(gps_time): """Compute the Julian day from the GPS time. Args: gps_time (float): GPS time (seconds since 1980-01-06, without leap seconds!). Returns: float: Julian day (days). Note: number of leap seconds on 1980-01-06 is 19. """ from astroconst import day_sol jd = gps_time/day_sol + jd_from_date(1980, 1, 6) jd -= (leap_seconds_from_jd(jd) - 19)/86400 return jd
[docs] def leap_seconds_from_jd(jd, warn=True): """Brief description of function. Parameters: jd (float): Julian day (days). warn (bool): Warn when offering a date before 1972 (defaults to True). Returns: (float): (TAI-UTC), or the number of leap seconds. Note: - Between 1961 and 1972, there were no leap seconds, but continuous functions to compute TAI-UTC. See: - """ jd = _np.asarray(_np.copy(jd)) # Copy and typecast to numpy.ndarray ls = _np.zeros_like(jd) # Array with zeros and the shape of jd if warn & (jd.min() < jd_from_date(1972,1,1)): print('Warning: the number of leap seconds is inaccurate before 1972') mjd = jd - 2400000.5 # Modified Julian day # Before 1961, there were no leap seconds. Between 1961 and 1972, there were functions to compute TAI-UTC. ls[jd >= jd_from_date(1961,1,1)] = 1.4228180 + (mjd[jd >= jd_from_date(1961,1,1)] - 37300) * 0.0012960 # Note that ls~0 around 1958-01-01x ls[jd >= jd_from_date(1961,8,1)] = 1.3728180 + (mjd[jd >= jd_from_date(1961,8,1)] - 37300) * 0.0012960 ls[jd >= jd_from_date(1962,1,1)] = 1.8458580 + (mjd[jd >= jd_from_date(1962,1,1)] - 37665) * 0.0011232 ls[jd >= jd_from_date(1963,11,1)] = 1.9458580 + (mjd[jd >= jd_from_date(1963,11,1)] - 37665) * 0.0011232 ls[jd >= jd_from_date(1964,1,1)] = 3.2401300 + (mjd[jd >= jd_from_date(1964,1,1)] - 38761) * 0.0012960 ls[jd >= jd_from_date(1964,4,1)] = 3.3401300 + (mjd[jd >= jd_from_date(1964,4,1)] - 38761) * 0.0012960 ls[jd >= jd_from_date(1964,9,1)] = 3.4401300 + (mjd[jd >= jd_from_date(1964,9,1)] - 38761) * 0.0012960 ls[jd >= jd_from_date(1965,1,1)] = 3.5401300 + (mjd[jd >= jd_from_date(1965,1,1)] - 38761) * 0.0012960 ls[jd >= jd_from_date(1965,3,1)] = 3.6401300 + (mjd[jd >= jd_from_date(1965,3,1)] - 38761) * 0.0012960 ls[jd >= jd_from_date(1965,7,1)] = 3.7401300 + (mjd[jd >= jd_from_date(1965,7,1)] - 38761) * 0.0012960 ls[jd >= jd_from_date(1965,9,1)] = 3.8401300 + (mjd[jd >= jd_from_date(1965,9,1)] - 38761) * 0.0012960 ls[jd >= jd_from_date(1966,1,1)] = 4.3131700 + (mjd[jd >= jd_from_date(1966,1,1)] - 39126) * 0.0025920 ls[jd >= jd_from_date(1968,2,1)] = 4.2131700 + (mjd[jd >= jd_from_date(1968,2,1)] - 39126) * 0.0025920 # Leap seconds: ls[jd >= jd_from_date(1972,1,1)] = 10 ls[jd >= jd_from_date(1972,7,1)] += 1 # Leap second on 1972-07-01 ls[jd >= jd_from_date(1973,1,1)] += 1 # Leap second on 1973-01-01 ls[jd >= jd_from_date(1974,1,1)] += 1 # Leap second on 1974-01-01 ls[jd >= jd_from_date(1975,1,1)] += 1 # Leap second on 1975-01-01 ls[jd >= jd_from_date(1976,1,1)] += 1 # Leap second on 1976-01-01 ls[jd >= jd_from_date(1977,1,1)] += 1 # Leap second on 1977-01-01 ls[jd >= jd_from_date(1978,1,1)] += 1 # Leap second on 1978-01-01 ls[jd >= jd_from_date(1979,1,1)] += 1 # Leap second on 1979-01-01 ls[jd >= jd_from_date(1980,1,1)] += 1 # Leap second on 1980-01-01 ls[jd >= jd_from_date(1981,7,1)] += 1 # Leap second on 1981-07-01 ls[jd >= jd_from_date(1982,7,1)] += 1 # Leap second on 1982-07-01 ls[jd >= jd_from_date(1983,7,1)] += 1 # Leap second on 1983-07-01 ls[jd >= jd_from_date(1985,7,1)] += 1 # Leap second on 1985-07-01 ls[jd >= jd_from_date(1988,1,1)] += 1 # Leap second on 1988-01-01 ls[jd >= jd_from_date(1990,1,1)] += 1 # Leap second on 1990-01-01 ls[jd >= jd_from_date(1991,1,1)] += 1 # Leap second on 1991-01-01 ls[jd >= jd_from_date(1992,7,1)] += 1 # Leap second on 1992-07-01 ls[jd >= jd_from_date(1993,7,1)] += 1 # Leap second on 1993-07-01 ls[jd >= jd_from_date(1994,7,1)] += 1 # Leap second on 1994-07-01 ls[jd >= jd_from_date(1996,1,1)] += 1 # Leap second on 1996-01-01 ls[jd >= jd_from_date(1997,7,1)] += 1 # Leap second on 1997-07-01 ls[jd >= jd_from_date(1999,1,1)] += 1 # Leap second on 1999-01-01 ls[jd >= jd_from_date(2006,1,1)] += 1 # Leap second on 2006-01-01 ls[jd >= jd_from_date(2009,1,1)] += 1 # Leap second on 2009-01-01 ls[jd >= jd_from_date(2012,7,1)] += 1 # Leap second on 2012-07-01 ls[jd >= jd_from_date(2015,7,1)] += 1 # Leap second on 2015-07-01 ls[jd >= jd_from_date(2017,1,1)] += 1 # Leap second on 2017-01-01 return _np.squeeze(ls)
[docs] def hms_str_from_time(time, use_sec=True, use_ms=False, use_mus=False, use_ns=False): """Return a float time in hours as a formatted string in hours, minutes (and seconds). Parameters: time (float): Time in hours. use_sec (bool): Use seconds in the string. Optional, defaults to True. use_ms (bool): Use milliseconds in the string. Optional, defaults to False. use_mus (bool): Use microseconds in the string. Optional, defaults to False. use_ns (bool): Use nanoseconds in the string. Optional, defaults to False. Returns: (str): Time in hours, minutes and seconds of the format hh:mm(:ss(.sss(sss(sss)))). """ hr = _np.floor(time).astype(int) mnt = _np.floor((time-hr)*60).astype(int) sec = (time-hr-mnt/60)*3600 if use_ns or use_mus or use_ms or (not use_sec): if (use_ns and (sec >= 59.9999999995)) or (use_mus and (sec >= 59.9999995)) or \ (use_ms and (sec >= 59.9995)) or (not use_sec and (sec >= 30)): sec = 0 mnt = mnt+1 elif (use_sec and (sec >= 59.5)): # Separate, since use_sec is True by default sec = 0 mnt = mnt+1 if (mnt >= 60): mnt = mnt - 60 hr = hr+1 if hr >= 24: hr -= 24 if use_ns: hms_str = '%2.2i:%2.2i:%012.9f' % (hr, mnt, sec) elif use_mus: hms_str = '%2.2i:%2.2i:%09.6f' % (hr, mnt, sec) elif use_ms: hms_str = '%2.2i:%2.2i:%06.3f' % (hr, mnt, sec) elif use_sec: hms_str = '%2.2i:%2.2i:%2.2i' % (hr, mnt, _np.round(sec,0).astype(int)) else: hms_str = '%2.2i:%2.2i' % (hr, mnt) return hms_str
[docs] def hm_str_from_time(time): """Return a float time in hours as a formatted string in hours and minutes: hh:mm. Parameters: time (float): Time in hours. Returns: (str): Time in hours and minutes in the format hh:mm. Note: wrapper for hms_str_from_time(). """ return hms_str_from_time(time, use_sec=False)
def _warn_obsolescent(old_name, new_name, rename=False, extra=False): """Warn that a function is obsolescent and will be removed. Indicate whether this concerns a simple rename, possibly with extra features.""" import sys sys.stderr.write('\nWarning: the AstroTool function '+old_name+'() is obsolescent and will be removed in a future version.') sys.stderr.write(' Use '+new_name+'() instead.') if rename: if extra: sys.stderr.write(' The interface has not changed much; a simple search and replace for the function names should suffice, but please see the documentation for new features.\n\n') else: sys.stderr.write(' The interface has not changed; a simple search and replace for the function names should suffice.\n\n') else: sys.stderr.write(' Please see the documentation for details.\n\n') return # Test code: if __name__ == '__main__': import colored_traceback as _clrtrb _clrtrb.add_hook() print('\njd_from_date(), scalar:') print('JD for -4712: ', jd_from_date(-4712,1,1.5)) print('JD for -1000: ', jd_from_date(-1000,1,1.0)) print('JD for -1: ', jd_from_date(-1,1,1.0)) print('JD for 0: ', jd_from_date(0,1,1.0)) print() print('JD for 1J: ', jd_from_date(1,1,1.0)) print('JD for 1G: ', jd_from_date(1,1,1.0, jd_start_greg=0)) print() print('JD for 1581: ', jd_from_date(1581,1,1.0)) print('JD for 1582: ', jd_from_date(1582,1,1.0)) print() print('JD for 1582a: ', jd_from_date(1582,12,30.0)) print('JD for 1582b: ', jd_from_date(1582,12,31.0)) print('JD for 1583a: ', jd_from_date(1583,1,1.0)) print('JD for 1583b: ', jd_from_date(1583,1,2.0)) print() print('JD for 1584: ', jd_from_date(1584,1,1.0)) print('JD for 1585: ', jd_from_date(1585,1,1.0)) print() print('JD for 2000G: ', jd_from_date(2000,1,1.0)) print('JD for 2000J: ', jd_from_date(2000,1,1.0, jd_start_greg=_np.inf)) print() print('JD for 2000: ', jd_from_date_time(2000,1,1.0, 12,0,0)) print('\njd_from_date(), array:') _years = [1,1, 1581,1582, 1582,1582,1583,1583, 1584,1585, 2000,2000] _months = [1,1, 1, 1, 12, 12, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] _days = [1,1, 1, 1, 30, 31, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1] # julians = [True,False, True,True, True,True,False,False, False,False, False,True] _inf = _np.inf _jd_start_gregs1 = [_inf,0, _inf,_inf, _inf,_inf,0,0, 0,0, 0,_inf] _letters = ['J:','G:', ': ',': ', ': ',': ',': ',': ', ': ',': ', 'G:','J:'] _JDs = jd_from_date(_years,_months,_days, jd_start_greg=_jd_start_gregs1) # _JDs = jd_from_date(_years,_months,_days, _jd_start_greg=_np.inf) for _iter in range(len(_JDs)): print('%4i%2s %9.1f' % (_years[_iter],_letters[_iter], _JDs[_iter])) print('\n\ndate_from_jd(), scalar:') print('Date for JD=0.0: ', *date_from_jd(0.0)) print('Date for JD=0.0001: ', *date_from_jd(0.0001)) print('Date for JD=1355807.5: ', *date_from_jd(1355807.5)) print('Date for JD=1684532.5: ', *date_from_jd(1684532.5)) print('Date for JD=1720692.5: ', *date_from_jd(1720692.5)) print('Date for JD=1721057.5: ', *date_from_jd(1721057.5)) print() print('Date for JD=1721423.5: ', *date_from_jd(1721423.5)) print('Date for JD=1721423.5 (Gregorian): ', *date_from_jd(1721423.5, jd_start_greg=0)) print() print('Date for JD=2298152.5: ', *date_from_jd(2298152.5)) print('Date for JD=2299160.0: ', *date_from_jd(2299160.0)) print('Date for JD=2299161.0: ', *date_from_jd(2299161.0)) print('Date for JD=2299238.5: ', *date_from_jd(2299238.5)) print('Date for JD=2299247.5: ', *date_from_jd(2299247.5)) print('Date for JD=2301795.5: ', *date_from_jd(2301795.5)) print() print('Date for JD=2451544.5: ', *date_from_jd(2451544.5)) print('Date for JD=2451544.5 (Julian): ', *date_from_jd(2451544.5, jd_start_greg=_np.inf)) print('Date for JD=2459526.94695: ', *date_from_jd(2459526.94695)) print('Date for JD=2459215.54238: ', *date_from_jd(2459215.54238)) print() print('\ndate_from_jd(), array:') _jds = _np.arange(26)*1e5 _jd_start_gregs2 = _np.zeros(len(_jds)) + _np.inf # yrs,mnts,dys = date_from_jd(jds) _yrs,_mnts,_dys = date_from_jd(_jds, jd_start_greg=_jd_start_gregs2) for _iter in range(len(_jds)): print('JD = %9.1f: %5i-%2.2i-%04.1f' % (_jds[_iter], _yrs[_iter], _mnts[_iter], _dys[_iter])) print() for _iter in range(11): _jd = 2299160.5-5+_iter _yr,_mnt,_dy = date_from_jd(_jd) print('JD = %9.1f: %5i-%2.2i-%04.1f' % (_jd, _yr, _mnt, _dy)) print() _yr = 1582 _mnt = 10 for _dy in range(11): _jd = jd_from_date(_yr,_mnt,_dy) print('JD = %9.1f: %5i-%2.2i-%04.1f' % (_jd, _yr, _mnt, _dy)) print('\n\ndate_time_from_jd(), scalar:') print('Date and time for JD=2459526.94695: ', *date_time_from_jd(2459526.94695)) print('Date and time for JD=2459215.54238: ', *date_time_from_jd(2459215.54238)) print() print('date_time_from_jd(), array:') _jds1 = _jds[15:] _yrs,_mnts,_dys, _hrs,_mins,_secs = date_time_from_jd(_jds1+0.127851) # , jd_start_greg=_jd_start_gregs2) for _iter in range(len(_jds1)): print('JD = %9.1f: %5i-%2.2i-%2.2i, %2.2i:%2.2i:%06.3f' % (_jds1[_iter], _yrs[_iter],_mnts[_iter],_dys[_iter], _hrs[_iter],_mins[_iter],_secs[_iter])) print('\n\nyear_from_jd(), scalar:') print('year for JD=2459526.94695: ', year_from_jd(2459526.94695)) print('year for JD=2459215.54238: ', year_from_jd(2459215.54238)) print() print('year_from_jd(), array:') _jds1 = _jds[15:] print(year_from_jd(_jds1+0.127851)) print() print() print('ΔT and GMST for scalars:') from astroconst import r2h as _r2h _jd = jd_from_date_time(2012,12,23, 12,34,56) # _jd = jd_from_date_time(2000,1,1, 0,0,0) _deltat1 = deltat_from_jd_appr(_jd) _deltat2 = deltat_from_jd_ipol(_jd) _gmst = gmst_from_jd(_jd) # _gmst1 = gmst_from_jd(_jd, _deltat1) # _gmst2 = gmst_from_jd(_jd, _deltat2) # print('Date: ', datetimestr_from_jd(_jd)) print('JD: ', _jd) print('Delta T1: ', _deltat1, 's') print('Delta T2: ', _deltat2, 's') print('GMST: ', _gmst*_r2h, 'h') # print('GMST1: ', _gmst1*_r2h, 'h') # print('GMST2: ', _gmst2*_r2h, 'h') # Leap seconds and GPS times: _years = _np.linspace(1960,2020, 13) _jds = jd_from_date(_years,1,1) # GPS times, scalar: _gps_time = gps_time_from_jd(_jd) print('Leap secs: ', leap_seconds_from_jd(_jd)) print('GPS time: ', _gps_time) print('JD: ', jd_from_gps_time(_gps_time)) # GPS times, arrays: print(_jds) _gps_times = gps_time_from_jd(_jds) print('Years: ', _years) print('Leap secs: ', leap_seconds_from_jd(_jds)) print('GPS times: ', _gps_times) print('JDs: ', jd_from_gps_time(_gps_times)) _time = 23 + 59/60 + 59.9999999999/3600 print('hms_str_from_time(): ', hms_str_from_time(_time, use_ns=True)) print('hms_str_from_time(): ', hms_str_from_time(_time, use_mus=True)) print('hms_str_from_time(): ', hms_str_from_time(_time, use_ms=True)) print('hms_str_from_time(): ', hms_str_from_time(_time, use_sec=True)) print('hms_str_from_time(): ', hms_str_from_time(_time, use_sec=False)) print('hm_str_from_time(): ', hm_str_from_time(_time))